Kick-Off Meeting

Wow! What a great first meeting of Code for Portland! There was so much energy and enthusiasm! Nate Goldman kicked things off with a presentation about Code for America and what a Portland Brigade can do for our community.

Everyone helped brainstorm ideas, projects, and areas of work they are passionate about. After the open brainstorm session, Chuck Lauer Vose facilitated a discussion to help narrow the ideas down to several categories we might explore doing projects in.

Categories for potential projects included open government, civic engagement, sustainability and project maintenance, environmental issues, transportation, community safety, education, social justice, and housing. Whew! We have a lot of things to run with!

After that, we broke into small groups to discuss these categories and find out what we can do as a group to begin finding projects that will have a real and meaningful impact in our community.

We wrapped up the day with some time spent socializing and connecting with each other. This is a community of truly wonderful people!

Want to get involved? join the google group